Friday, February 20, 2009

10 Dynamic Fat Loss Eating Tips

Healthy eating is a way of balancing the food you eat to keep your body strong, energized, and well nourished. Healthy eating and drinking are the best things you can do for yourself. A healthy lifestyle is about eating well, feeling good and enjoying the food that you eat.

1 - Drink Water - Our body needs a lot of water. Water is not just way to flush out toxin but if you have more water in your body you will generally feel healthier and fitter. Water is a natural appetite suppressant, so developing a good water drinking habit can be a long-term aid in achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. It is not clear how much water intake is needed by healthy people, though most advocates agree that 6–7 glasses of water (approximately 2 litres) daily is the minimum to maintain proper hydration. If you're serious about becoming leaner and healthier, drinking water is an absolute must.

2 - Eat fresh fruit - Instead of drinking fruit juice, choose fruit. Juice is often sweetened but fresh fruits have natural sugars. Fresh fruit is an important part of a healthy balanced diet, relatively low in calories and is nutrient dense. Fresh fruit is generally available from September to December. Fruit is a delicious way to add needed nutrients and vitamins to your diet such as peaches, plums, apricots, melon, cherries (if you have patience to pit), berries, apples, pears, grapes, or tropical fruit.

3 – Go Vegetables – This source of nutrition is your best bet when it comes to losing pounds. There are many types of vegetables to choose from. Try to eat at least two servings a day. And the leafy green vegetables are your best bet. Try to include a salad in you diet always.

4 - Eat Smart - The difference between man and beast is that we are driven by intelligence while beasts are driven by instinct. Don’t just eat something because you feel like eating it. Ask your self whether your body really needs it.

5 – Easy On The Sweet Tooth - Control your sweet tooth. Those with a sweet tooth beware the lure of Belgian chocolate. It is natural that we have cravings for sweet things especially chocolates and other confectionary. Keep this type of eating to a minimal the best you can.

6 - Eat When Your Hungry - Some of us have the tendency to eat whenever we see food. We use outings as an excuse to stuff our selves. Don’t blow the time you spent dieting on an event like this. Just because your in a social scene doesn’t mean you should chow down if others are.

7 - Don’t Snack out of Boredom - Do not fall for snacks in between meals. The main problem with snacking is that it is usually less filling and contains a lot of fat and calories. Just think about a stop and Dairy Queen… tempting but terribly fattening.

8 - Black tea or coffee - Black tea or coffee can actually be good for you. But personally I would like to recommend tea rather than coffee. The caffeine in the coffee is not really good for you because it is an alkaloid and can affect other functions of your body like the metabolism.

9 – Just Say No To Fried Food - Fried foods are generally considered to have a high fat content because there is no efficient method for removing the cooking oil from the surface of the food once frying has been completed. Fried foods are incompatible with health and if you choose to eat fried foods at any time in your life, even just one meal a week, you're going to have unhealthy cholesterol levels as a result. .

10 – Don’t Skip Meals - The worse thing you can do while watching you diet is skip a meal because you need to eat consistent to keep your metabolism in balance. It has just the opposite effect of what you want. You need to have at least four small regular meals every day.

Make an honest effort with yourself to eat healthy and the results will clearly show. Definitly not always an easy task, but if you make this your habit you will discover more energy and enjoy a healthier lifestyle.

Author : Natalie Jeppesen

Split End Repair Essentials

Split ends aren’t just unsightly and unruly. When left untreated, split ends will continue to split up the hair shaft, leading to serious damage to your hair. You want to make sure you stop split ends in their tracks as soon as possible and prevent future damage.

You may be surprised to learn that much of the maintenance you do to create great-looking hair - blow-drying, straightening, coloring and curling – contribute heavily to split ends. That’s because these treatments break down your cuticles causing your hair strands literally to split. And these maintenance methods can remove the moisture that is necessary for maintaining strong hair that resists split ends.

But with a few preventative measures, you can repair split ends and still have great looking hair. Trimming your hair regularly (every six to eight weeks) will help you repair split ends. But here are some other measures you can take:

1. Shampoo your hair in warm water. Warm water will open the cuticles of your hair so that when you add conditioner, the conditioner will go right into your hair shaft and begin moisturizing right away. This will help strengthen your hair shaft and prevent split ends from occurring. Additionally, make sure you rinse out your conditioner with cool water. Cool water will close the cuticles so the moisturizing and conditioning agents remain sealed in your hair. You will have greater control over your hair and avoid split end damage in the future.

2. Keep your hair moisturized to control split ends by conditioning your hair properly. After shampooing, add a good moisturizing conditioner to your hair and leave it in for 3 – 5 minutes. If possible, wrap your hair with a towel, and let the conditioner sink in for 15 minutes. This extra conditioning of your hair will establish a good moisture level that will help prevent split ends.

3. Make sure to deep condition your hair often - at least once a month. This will help repair damage and moisturize the hair properly to prevent split end damage.

4. Relax in between relaxing treatments. Your hair needs a rest after harsh chemical treatments. So if you do chemical treatments like relaxing or coloring, wait at least four weeks between applications. And never relax and color at the same time!

5. If you comb your hair when it is wet, do so gently with a wide-tooth comb. And spritz your wet hair first with Simply Stylin’ Light Silk Spray which is a pure silicone product that contains no alcohol. The silicone will help your hair detangle gently while preventing damage that might lead to split ends.

6. On dry hair, use a soft-bristled brush. Soft-bristled brushes are gentler on the hair. Using one will minimize split end damage that can result from harsh treatment by brushing.

7. Get an ionic blow-dryer; it locks in the moisture that helps prevent split ends. That’s because well-moisturized hair reduces the breaking-down of your cuticles – a main cause of split ends.

8. When styling your hair, use silicone-based styling products like Simply Stylin' Silk which is made of pure silicone without fillers. Pure silicone products smooth split ends.

Author : Donn Monroe

Steve Phipps

Many people dream of having a fit body, with bulging and rippling muscles just like the ones seen on oiled-up professional bodybuilders that compete in contests like Mr. Olympia and such. In their desire to have a sculpted body, some of these people are willing to do anything even resort to unnatural and even illegal means just fulfill their dreams. One of the most popular yet illegal and unnatural way of building muscles is the use of steroids.

While it is true that some of the best bodybuilders have used illegal substances such as steroids in their quest to have an excellent physique and have succeeded, it didn't come without a price. Steroids are known to have side effects that are serious and irreversible. Why go for unnatural ways of bodybuilding when natural ways are just as effective, not to mention that they are safer? Some people think that natural bodybuilding methods are not enough. But this is because they do not know the secrets to natural bodybuilding. When you discover the secrets to natural bodybuilding, you wouldn't have any need to take illegal supplements. With the secrets to natural bodybuilding, you will have muscle mass and definition that you never though possible without steroids and other substances.

If you want to know the secrets to natural bodybuilding then you have come to the right place. Below are some of the secrets to natural bodybuilding that you need to know if you want to have a body worthy of Mr. Olympia.

1. Combine Cardiovascular Exercises with Resistance Training. Combining these two forms of workouts will get you to your fitness goals faster. Cardiovascular exercises helps in burning fat while resistance training builds muscles. Among the secrets to natural bodybuilding, this is the most useful. There are may cardiovascular exercises to choose from. You can do biking, jogging or even swimming. To be effective though, you must perform cardiovascular exercises for at least three times a week.

2. Avoid overtraining your muscles. Overtraining is probably the biggest mistake that novice bodybuilders make. In bodybuilding, remember that less can be more. It is during the resting period that muscles actually grow and develop. If you will not allow you muscles to rest then it will not have the chance to get big.

3. Use the right weight during resistance training. There is a way to know whether you are lifting weights that are right for you or not. If you can't do the exercise well and in proper form, then the weight is too heavy. If you are not breaking a sweat when doing the exercises then the weights are too light. Using the right weight you be sure that your muscles are getting the proper stimulus and that the you won't injure yourself.

4. Make sure to get proper sleep. Ensuring your body gets the right amount of rest and sleep will help your muscles recover and be ready for the next workout session.

5. Eating multiple meals. 4-6 meals a day will keep you fueled for your daily workouts and make sure you have the energy necessary to keep working towards that ripped body you desire.

Use these secrets to natural bodybuilding to pump up your body.

Author : Steve Phipps

Is a Raw Food Diet Right For You?

A raw food diet emphasizes only the consumption of raw food. The reason more people are beginning to pursue a raw food diet is based on the premise that cooked food losing much of its essential vitamins an minerals during the cooking process and also that cooking food destroys enzymes necessary for the proper digestion and absorption of food.

The raw food diet consists of unprocessed fresh foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains and sprouts. There are different types of raw food diets such as those based only on fruits and vegetables, fruit only or those that include raw meat or animal products such as eggs along with fruit and vegetables. The choice of diet type depends largely on personal preference.

Why is a raw food diet preferable? Many people claim that a raw food diet has several health benefits such as better digestion, more energy, less health problems, weight loss and even slowing of the aging process. A raw food diet does offer a natural alternative to traditional dietary considerations. The main concern with a raw food vegan diet is the use of pesticides. It is best to buy organic when purchasing fruits and vegetables. People often choose to grown their own which of course, is a good option.

Although a raw food diet does appear to have some health benefits as studies have shown such as lower cholesterol and may reduce the risk of conditions such as heart disease and cancer there are also other factors that should be taken into consideration. A raw food diet can create certain nutritional deficiencies such as protein, calcium and iron. A raw food diet may not provide an adequate supply of these and other necessary nutritional requirements. In addition those who eat raw meat as part of their raw food diet risk the illness through contamination by bacteria and/or parasites.

There have been many dietary claims to cure specific diseases or improve general health but it is important to consult your physician before making any changes in your regular diet especially if you have an existing health condition. People who are anemic, diabetic or have other health conditions may cause themselves unnecessary harm by completely changing their current diet. Children should not be put on a raw food diet or any other type of diet without the permission of their pediatrician. A child's body needs certain vitamins and minerals for healthy development. Those nutrients can become deficient on certain types of diets that may negatively affect a child's health and/or development. If the child is overweight it is best to consult with the pediatrician to develop a dietary plan that will assist the child in losing weight without jeopardizing health.

Weight loss should not be the only reason to institute a raw food diet into one's lifestyle. The ultimate goal should be to improve overall health and well being. If you would like to embark convert to a raw food diet but are uncertain whether or not this lifestyle change would work for you it is best to make the change slowly. Start by adding more raw foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains into your diet while still maintaining your regular diet. As you increase the raw foods in your diet you can slowly decrease your old food habits. If you have any questions or concerns about the raw food diet consult with your physician or a dietician. They can help address any concerns you may have and work with you to adapt your diet to a healthier more productive way of eating to improve your health and quality of life. It is important however to keep in mind that no diet is a cure all. Changes toward developing a healthier lifestyle take time and depend on consistent efforts.

Author : Bruno